11/19/09 – Name that squat!

Can any of the CF 908 members name all of the people in the picture below? Post your answer to comments.

Wall Squats!  Everyone was having such a good time.
Wall Squats! Everyone was having such a good time.

A quick note about jumping rope.  Yesterday, a lot of people did single unders instead of double unders.  This works as an acceptable substitute for those who have trouble with double unders.  However, those who can string together 30-40 single unders should be in the gym each day working on double unders.  Similar to the jump/step post from yesterday, the double under packs a punch that the single under just can’t match.  So, get in the gym and double under it up!

Today’s WOD –

Complete for time:

  • Row 1k
  • 100 Sit Ups
  • Row 750m
  • 75 Air Squats
  • Row 500m
  • 50 Pull Ups
  • Row 250m
  • 25 Ring Dips

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