1/19/10 – Deadlift / Pull up

We are back to our regular schedule today.

Starting today, we will have a skill of the week.  Double Unders are this week’s skill.  I can hear the “sighs” now.  Don’t fear the double under.  It is your friend and will help you in your pursuit of fitness.  CrossFit Alexandria took some time to talk about why the double under is important, and I think you should read it.

Links –

Buddy Lee is “Okay” at jump rope.

Schedule –

  • Mobility Warm up
  • Practice Double Unders – At least 25 attempts if you cannot do consecutive doubles.  If you can do doubles, complete 100 double unders
  • WOD – 21-15-9
    • Deadlift – 225/135
    • Pull up
  • Stretch / Foam Roll

3 thoughts on “1/19/10 – Deadlift / Pull up”

  1. just read that “notes on good calories bad calories”… following that logic, is cheese permissable in the paleo diet, or does the lactose still keep dairy off the menu? and should vegetables be minimized? he makes it seem like all carbs promote fat immobilization (and therefore obesity) since they cause increases in insulin.

  2. Cheese is not permissible unless you are consuming RAW cheese. You can drink milk as well if it is RAW milk. You would have to go to PA to buy any raw dairy products as they are illegal in NJ.

    With respect to vegetables you should definitely not be limiting your intake. All carbohydrates cause an increase in blood sugar which then cause a release of insulin to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. However, if you eat a meal rich in protein, the glucagon response from protein will minimize the insulin response and promote fat mobilization. Moral of the story is that you should be eating protein with every meal. If we look at meals based on Protein (P), Fat (F) and Carbs (C) a good template for a day might look like this.

    Breakfast – PC – Good time for fruit
    Snack – PF – low C – Veggies
    Lunch – PF- low C – Veggies
    Pre workout snack – PC – stick to high fiber, low glycemic load carbs here
    Post workout snack (recovery) – PC can have some higher glycemic load carbs like Sweet Potatoes
    Dinner – PF – low C – Veggies