02/19/10 – 5,4,3,2,1

I’ve talked about Range of Motion (ROM) before, and I’m going to let Freddie Kamacho @ CrossFit One World harp on it for me.  Freddie makes some key points which I’ll summarize below

  • Half Range of Motion is half the work and half the power output
  • If you aren’t doing full ROM and you post your time on the board, it isn’t legit and you’re cheating the others in the class who are doing full ROM
  • Sometime you might not know if you aren’t doing full reps, so make sure you ask me to check your reps before or during the workout.

Links –

The new Fundamentals Group - PJ, Matt and Claudia
The new Fundamentals Group - PJ, Matt and Claudia

Schedule –

  • Mobility Warm up – Foam Roll
  • WOD –
    • 5 min Row for total calories
    • 4 min wall balls
    • 3 min double unders
    • 2 min push ups
    • 1 min pull ups
  • Finisher – L-Holds – 5 sets Max Hold – 30 seconds rest

10 thoughts on “02/19/10 – 5,4,3,2,1”

  1. I have been rowing three days a week for 10 minutes before lifting weights (squats, dead lifts, etc.) for about a month. I row with a wind resistance of “6” for an average of 2200 to 2300 meters. Would you recommend keeping the resistance at “6” or going down to “2” or “3”? I’m not exactly sure which would be more beneficial as a warm up.

    1. Given that it is a warm up, I wouldn’t worry too much about the damper setting. I think you could probably cut that warm up down to 5 minutes or so with some dynamic stretching. If your goal is to improve your rowing, I would throw a couple of 500m attempts on at the back end of your workout (after you have done all your weightlifting) Mess around with the damper setting. Start with 2 x 500m @ Max Effort with a 2 min rest between efforts. Also, mix in 1k and 2k rows for time at the end of a workout. You don’t want to do the high intensity “cardio” prior to the heavy lifting, but I think the rowing warm up is fantastic. Let me know your thoughts.

      1. Thank you for the advice. I actually complete foam rolling and dynamic stretching at home before leaving for the gym. I also end my 45 minute workout with one of two different types of complexes, depending on the day (Cosgrove or Tumminello).

        I will try and keep rowing to 5 minutes before as a warm up only and 5 minutes after as max effort or some variations. I would row for longer if I had more time but work awaits, and I only have an hour in the gym from when I enter to when I have to leave.

        Thank you again for the advice and your time.

  2. Regarding the ROM link – first of all I want to acknowldeg Firas who has exceelebt disciplne in going all out but staying focused on ROM-Technic – NOT TIME (or other WODers).

    And yes I will confess to “gaming” the wods on rare occasions for lazyness…
    However there are times when I become concerend about injury when doing the WOD, specificly with weights – so i do pull back then and sometimes on the reps;
    Tim – whats the oficial take on this ? i feel guilty when i do but also safer and injury free…