03/04/10 – Strength and Sprints – Day 4

Saturday Schedule Update – The only class held this Saturday will be a group CrossFit WOD @ 9am.  There will NOT be a Fundamentals or Free class on Saturday.


CrossFit 908 Night Out – Part Deux! – Delicious Heights @ 8pm on Thursday, March 11. Steve promises not to drink, so don’t be afraid to show up.

Tough Mudder – Team “CrossFIt 908” has filled 16 of the alloted 20 slots for team members.  If you know anyone who is interested, click the link above and sign up.  Our start time is 11am.

Weightlifting Class – We will be following the same schedule as the other classes today.  Due to this month’s focus on strength and the amount of weightlifting in the programming, the next 3-4 Thursdays may mirror the CrossFit WOD.

Today’s LInks –

Firas - "Bri, I love the beard." Brian - "Stop!"
Firas - "Bri, I love the beard." Brian - "Stop!"
PJ shows how to do a push up.  VERY NICEEE!  I LIKEEE!
PJ shows how to do a push up. VERY NICEEE! I LIKEEE!
Kate and Karen killing the tuck jumps.  I bet they'll learn Double Unders soon!
Kate and Karen killing the tuck jumps. I bet they'll learn Double Unders soon!

CrossFit Schedule –

  • Foam Roll / Mobility Warm up
  • Overhead Squat – 5×5 – Make sure to really warm your shoulders up before you start adding weight.  You should do at least 15 – 20 reps to sufficiently warm up.
  • Sprints – 4x400m Row with a 2min rest or alternating w/ partner.
  • Core – 3 x 15 Knees to elbows unbroken – rest as needed.  Make sure you get 15 reps whether it be knees to elbows, knees to armpits, hanging straight-leg raise or hanging knee raise.  If you want to increase the challenge do toes-to-bar.
  • Stretch

4 thoughts on “03/04/10 – Strength and Sprints – Day 4”

  1. Weight and Fertility

    so the thesis of this article is that overweight women are more likely than thin ones to get knocked up?

    strike 2.

  2. Brian’s right here! Wrangham’s book, Catching Fire, is excellent read for any one interested in understand how our diet made us who we are. I would guess that he would not agree with the whole of the paleo diet, as he’s a vegetarian, but he does agree that the modern world is processing our food too much. He comes to this conclusion not because our ancestors didn’t eat processed food, but more simply because the processing of food today is actually providing us with too many useless calories, since the more processed the food the more our digestive system is able to extract from it. So he believes that we’d all do much better on a diet that consisted of whole foods, similar to the paleo philosophy. The book does a great job of walking through the evolutionary steps that tubers, meat, and cooking most likely heavily influenced. And spends a good amount of time explaining why a raw food diet is just plain a bad plan all around.

    ps. Tough Mudder is going to rock.