05/22/10 – Saturday Team Workout

IMPORTANT NOTE TO MEMBERS – In order to facilitate the purchasing of memberships, we can now set up an auto pay schedule that will automatically purchase a new membership once your current one runs out.  Therefore, you will no longer have to go online to buy a membership, or purchase one at the gym.  The auto pay can be canceled at any time, so you are not getting roped into anything longer than you are currently buying.  It is simply an easier way to deal with payments for you and us.  If you are interested, please email me to let me know.  Thank you

Today’s LInks – Thanks to Chris Stepien and Brian for today’s links

Kate's 1st unassisted kipping pull up!  Congrats Katie!
Kate's 1st unassisted kipping pull up! Congrats Katie!
Billy is also working on his kip and is getting very close to perfecting it.
Billy is also working on his kip and is getting very close to perfecting it.
Chris N crushing his first muscle up.  Congrats Chris!
Chris N crushing his first muscle up. Congrats Chris!

Schedule –

  • Foam Roll / Mobility Warm Up / Burgener Warm Up
  • In teams of 3, complete the following
    • Part One
      • 150 Pull Ups
      • 150 Wall Balls
      • 150 V-Ups
    • Part Two
      • 300 Double Unders (no substitution: one team member must do the doubles)
      • 3,000m Row
      • 2,700m Run (9 times around building)
  • Note – The first 3 exercises must be completed before moving on to the last three exercises.  Each member will work at one station.  No more than one member can work at any one station.  The team must decide when to rotate to maximize reps and minimize resting time.
  • Finisher – Wall Sit for time.