03/10/11 – Thursday = Yourday

Happy Birthday to Melissa and Todd!  Nothing but Ke$ha for you today Mo Mo.  Sorry Todd.

We have registered as an Affiliate for the 2011 CrossFit Games Open Sectionals.  That means you can complete the required Games Open WOD’s at CrossFit 908 and we can verify them for you to submit.  More details regarding schedule times for WODs and costs are coming soon.  Stay tuned.

Today’s Recipe – Island Stuffed Chicken – Mastering the Art of Paleo Cooking

Today’s LINK(Singular!  Only one today.  Read it.  I would not post this if it was not applicable)

  • Skill of the Month: Not Being a DICK – CrossFit Virtuosity
    • Here is an excerpt –
  • As we grow, it’s becoming more and more important that everyone respects our shared gym space and equipment.  Therefore this month (and obviously every month going forward,) we would like you to focus on being the best member of our little gym community that you can be!

    To that end, we’ve put together some House Rules — please read through these and try your very, very best to follow them — it’ll make the gym a far more pleasant place for everyone! (Continue Reading)

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Schedule –

  • Mobility Warm Up
  • WOD – Athlete’s Choice
    • Work on a Goal OR
    • Make up a lift you missed OR
    • Make up a conditioning WOD you missed OR
    • Do a CrossFit Endurance WOD
  • Always work on Mobility

20 thoughts on “03/10/11 – Thursday = Yourday”

  1. Thank you for the bday wishes! I’ll be there at noon, people! Tim, I need a workout made up for me that does not involve ring dips, pull ups, or sumo deadlift high pulls. I can barely lift my arms.

  2. What’s a Ke$ha anyway??
    I’ll be there at 6pm today to do yesterday’s wod. I don’t think i need my arms or shoulders this weekend.

  3. Happy birthday to all!

    I’m rather impressed with how flat my back is in the top picture, though I’m not as impressed with my un-extended knees in the bottom shot.

    And for the record, I was NOT the one who cropdusted the 6pm class last night.

  4. “Wake up in the morning feeling like P-Diddy…” (he goes by Diddy now.. Duh Ke$ha) LOL

    Happy birthday Melissa and Todd!!

    Missing 908 like whoa!

  5. Thanks so much. I’m not sure who Todd is, but, if he’s my birthday twin, he should get in here and give a shout out.

    Lara, isn’t he officially Diddy Dirty Money?