01/12/12 – Yhursday

CrossFit 908 Night Out Tonight @ Crossroads in Garwood @ 8:30pm.  Jake’s band, the Glowflies, is playing. Be there!

Happy Birthday Nicole!  Here is an optional Birthday workout that you can choose to do if you are feeling so inclined.

12 Min AMRAP

  • 12 Ring Row
  • 29 Jumping Lunges

Nutrition Challenge Updates / Clarifications

  • 6 “Cheat” meals allowed, but they are still counted as negative -1 each.  You cannot cheat more than 6 times or you are disqualified.
  • A “Cheat” is the meal in its entirety, not food and drink separately.  I originally said to track them separately, but I have changed that.  This means you get one meal per week to blow it out.  A meal is defined by food and drink taking <2 hours to consume, not pizza for dinner and the diner late night.
  • Alcohol – You are allowed 1 drink per day (Wine or Gluten Free Liquor) – If you consume more than one drink DURING A MEAL you now receive a -1 for the meal. If you consume more than one drink NOT DURING A MEAL, you receive a -1 for EVERY drink above the one you were allotted.

Continue to post your questions and thoughts to the comments section.

Today’s Recipe – Pulled Pig Over Mashed Plantains – Chowstalker

Today’s Link – How To Tell If You’re Inflamed – Mark’s Daily Apple

Matt sporting a nice front squat
New CF 908 shirts are very nice!

Schedule –

  • Mobility Warm Up
  • Work on a Goal / Make sure to put one on the board
  • Stretch

5 thoughts on “01/12/12 – Yhursday”

  1. Is anyone interested in a Saturday night trip to Atlantic City (staying at the Chelsea Hotel) March 31? There is a Living Social deal going on right now, and a couple of us are looking to organize the trip! Let me know!!

    1. PS–I promise not to give you *too*hard of a time over “Yhursday” here. 😉
      Have fun tonight–wish I lived closer…