Nutrition Challenge Day #5

Happy birthday Dani!

Hello Nutrition Challengers! How is your first week going? I see we have nearly 25 people doing the challenge! That is great news! Now, if we can only get 25 people to finish the challenge we’ll be in even better shape, literally. Keep posting your points each day. It looks like everyone is doing very well so far. Stick to your guns. For most people, the weekend is the hardest time to stay strict with your nutrition. Plan ahead. If you are going out to eat, make sure there is at least one item on the menu that you can eat. Substitute sides of potatoes and mac ‘n cheese for vegetables. Enjoy awesome cuts of steak. Ask the waiter or waitress if any of the items you are ordering contain gluten or if they are cooked in vegetable oil. Ask for your food to be cooked in olive oil instead. There are plenty of people out there with serious food allergies. You won’t be the first one to ask for a modification. Have a great weekend!


Today’s Schedule –

  • Mobility Warm Up
  • WOD – 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
    • Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
    • Ring Dips
      • 20 Double Unders before and after every round
  • Stretch

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