06/04/12 – Nutrition Challenge Winners

CrossFit 908 recently finished an 8-week Paleo/Primal Nutrition Challenge.  This was our first time encouraging members to include their friends and family in the challenge.  There were three people, all of whom are family members of 908 clients, who had absolutely amazing results, and were actually three of the top four biggest weight losses in the challenge!  They are Jen R’s husband, Sergio, Heather H’s sister, Megan, and Desiree C’s cousin, Christopher.  Both Sergio and Megan each lost over 8% of their bodyweight, and Christopher lost over 6%.  Given these amazing results and our desire as a community gym to help our members and our members’ families, we will be extending each of these three a FREE Fundamentals course.  We hope to see you all at our next Fundamentals program!

With respect to CrossFit 908 members and our two challenges, there were a total of 4 winners.  The male winner of the performance challenge was Scott C. with an increase of 68 reps in the benchmark workout and an increase of 10 reps in his benchmark lift!  Linda MP increased her benchmark workout by 45 reps and improved her squats by 7 reps.  Congratulations to the two of you on winning the performance challenge!

We also had some fantastic results in the weight loss part of the challenge.  Alexis L. lost nearly 7% of her bodyweight!  Tom M. lost just over 4% of his bodyweight and came in 5th overall for greatest % weight lost.

Congratulations to Scott, Linda, Alexis, and Tom who all won $150 cash and a free 908 shirt.  The prizes are a nice touch for this group, but to know that they put in the hard work and are seeing the physical results is what makes it so rewarding.  Great job!

There were some honorable mentions such as Liz F. and Joe H. who helped each other stay strict on the diet and who each saw phenomenal results.  Melissa V., Caitlin R., Ali R., and Mike M. all saw great weight loss figures as well.  It is great to see so many people making changes in their lives.  Expect a nutrition challenge in the future.  We’re going back to the drawing board to figure out how to maximize accountability.  Thank you to everyone who participated!


Men doing what men do......
These guys just loving hanging out together

Schedule –

  • Mobility Warm Up
  • Strength – 5×3 Push Press @ 80-85%
  • WOD – 12 min AMRAP
    • 6 HSPU (rx – head to ground)
    • 9 Kettlebell High Pulls (70/53)
    • 12 Box Jumps (24/20)
  • Accessory – 3 x 15 Toes To Bar

8 thoughts on “06/04/12 – Nutrition Challenge Winners”

  1. Tim I wanted to thank you for giving our family members the opportunity to share our passion. I’ve never been as close to my cousin as I am now. I have the nutrition challenge to thank. Not only is he eating healthier then ever before but motivated to do things he has never done. I’m so proud of him and all the nutrition challenge winners. Congratulations awesome job!

  2. Congrats to all the challenge winners! Great job!

    Brian – I didn’t even see you in the picture. You are nearly transparent.

  3. Congrats to the winners and the honorable mentions 🙂 You guys are amazing and were dedicated!

  4. Congrats to all who participated in the nutrition challenge!! I give you all such credit for your hard work and dedication!! You all motivate all of us to keep living the FIT life :). xoxo