08/15/12 – Bad 6amers!

Sooooooo…..yesterday there were 20 people signed into the six am.  Only 9 people showed!  I am going to be as straight forward as I can about this.  If you sign into a six am class, and you don’t show, and you don’t cancel yourself out by 11pm the night before, you WILL be charged for that class.  There are no exceptions to this.  I realize there is no way to punish a Monthly Unlimited member, so please comply with this rule. If you do not, we will send you some fun emails.  When you reserve a spot, you prohibit someone else from coming to the class.  We put caps on the classes to uphold the quality of training.  We are letting people on the wait list upgrade to the reserved list for classes this week.  Starting next week the class Max is 20 people per class, no exceptions.
  • Strict Pull Up – 5×5 (Wtd if possible)
  • WOD – Tabata – Complete 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest at each of the following exercises.
    • Double Unders
    • Dumbbell Thrusters (30-35/20-25)
    • Burpees
    • Toes To Bar
  • Accessory – 2 min plank on each side
Chris working on some bent over rows. This a great exercise for posture.

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