03/08/17: Get on your ropes and climb!

REMINDER – Please sign out of the 5am/6am classes the night before if you are unable to attend.  We had 5 people no-show in both the 5am and 6am class, and there was a wait list.  Everyone wants to be a part of a miracle.  For the low price of just a finger swipe, you could help out a fellow 908er in need of some early morning torture.   

Yours truly,


Thursday night’s specialty class will be on the kipping handstand push up.  We’ll start with an extended shoulder mobility warm-up, followed by some technique on proper body and hand position for the handstand push up.  We will then move into kipping a handstand push up and how to link several reps together.

Today’s Workout:

  • Strength – EMOM10 – 3 Back Squats – Start @ 70% and add weight if possible
  • Conditioning – AMRAP15 – “Super Clingy”
    • Run 200m
    • 2 Rope Climbs (Sx = 2 Mod Rope Climbs / CRx = 2 Legless Rope Climbs)
  • Finisher – 400M Farmers Carry
Becky kindly explaining to Rob where the floor is.

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