01/25/18: Yoursday….Kinda

Today’s Workout:

  • Conditioning / Skill – 5 x AMRAP4 – Rest 2 min between AMRAPs
    • 6 Stone Over Shoulder OR 12 Slam Balls
    • 15 Box Jump Overs
    • Max Ring Muscle Ups in remaining time (Athletes can scale muscle ups multiple ways today.  Choose from ring rows / ring dips / pull ups / chest to bar pull ups / bar muscle ups)  The goal is to choose a skill you need some work on, but are able to complete a few reps currently.  Today’s goal is focusing on completing a challenging gymnastics movement while under fatigue.  Goal each round is to complete 10+ reps for any pull up variation and 5+ reps for any muscle up variation.
  • Finisher – 4 Sets – 15 wtd hip bridges+ 15 Banded PVC Lat Pull Downs
Jumping Jim!