Allen Huang

Allen Huang



About Coach

After a couple of years of sporadically working out and getting nowhere, I started looking for something that would help keep me in some sort of decent shape. One night while hanging out with some friends, I related how hard it was to maintain any kind of workout routine and how challenging it was to motivate myself to do any exerciseon a regular basis. My friend mentioned a workout program he read about online called CrossFit. Having no experience or understanding of CrossFit’s methodology, I checked the website the next day and decided to try the posted workout. That workout was “Angie” – 100 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 squats, and 100 sit-ups. It took me something around an hour and a half, but in the end, I immediately realized the potency of the CrossFit program. It was a brutal introduction, but at the same time, it got me excited to learn and try more. Shortly after, I started doing CrossFit workouts in my basement. In the beginning, I had to do a lot of reading and watch a lot of videos to learn new movements so I could perform them in the workouts. Not only was I learning different movements, but I also started to understand CrossFit’s concepts of constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity all while scaling appropriately and maintaining virtuosity of movement. Seeing the changes I was making and the passion I had for CrossFit, some of my friends became interested in CrossFit and started coming over to work together. It got to the point where I would have 3-8 friends coming over every night to work out. They looked to me for help with movements, modifications, and scaling so I thought it only right that I get training to better help myself and my friends. This led to me obtaining my CrossFit Level 1 Trainer certification in July 2011. I felt that I still had a lot to learn and that I needed more experience in training, so I started looking for a place that would help me grow. By chance, I found myself at 908 Athletics. Tim Carroll was gracious enough to take me under his wing and help me develop as a trainer. Within a few months, I had the opportunity to coach classes and instantly loved it. Over time I was offered the opportunity to coach full-time. It was hard to leave teaching, but coaching people was very similar and this was an opportunity I didn’t want to miss. I did miss working with children but discovered that there was also a CrossFit Kids program. Knowing that I could combine my passion for working with kids and CrossFit training quickly led me to get my CrossFit Kids certification in June 2012. Tim challenges us as trainers to constantly improve ourselves not only in ourownfitness but in knowledge to help others as well. Since coaching at 908, I’ve had the opportunity to attend many different seminars to help me grow as a trainer.In order tofurther improve my coaching I received my CrossFit Level 2 trainer certification in November 2014. I now coach CF Kids and adult classes each week and love seeing people improve and become healthier. The community at 908 Athletics is one like no other I have ever been a part of. It does feel like one big family! Getting to work with all the amazing people we have truly motivates me to constantly improve as a CrossFit and as a Trainer.