03/17/16: Burpees For Baldricks today @ 5pm

Burpees For Baldricks – CrossFit 908 will be participating in the Governor Livingston High School Fundraising efforts for St. Baldricks for the second year in a row. This Thursday, 03/17 from 5pm-7pm we will be hosting a “burpee-off.” We are encouraging all 908ers to partner up and challenge each other to 2 minutes of burpees. To keep it competitive and fun, each partner will donate 50 cents per burpee that their challenger completes. If you do more burpees, your partner has to donate more money. CrossFit 908 will donate $5 per burpee for whoever completes the most amount of burpees in two minutes.  We will have a scoreboard up on the whiteboard all day Thursday. Make sure you record your burpees! People can contribute or perform burpees at any time of the day on Thursday, but we will have representatives of GL at 908 from 5-7pm.  St. Baldricks raises money to help fund pediatric cancer research. We are very proud to be helping in GLHS’s efforts. Donations can be made in person on the day of or you can donate online.  We thank you all in advance for your participation.  For anyone interested in donating and doing the burpees, you can complete your two minutes of burpees at any of tomorrow’s classes.

908 Night Out– Thursday 03/17/16 @ Delicious Heights.  We will bring a computer to watch the Open announcement there and celebrate whatever torture Mr. Castro has in store for us.

Optional Conditioning – EMOM10 – Bike (Sx = 7 Cal / Rx = 10 Cal / CRx = 12 cal) Rest 2 min – EMOM10 Row – (Sx = 8 Cal / Rx = 10 Cal / CRx = 15 Cal)

Today is Thursday Yoursday.  That means all classes are structured like “Open Gym.” There will be a coach on hand to help you with anything you need.  You can make up any workouts that you missed from the week or do Friday’s workout one day early.  The point of days like today is two fold.  For those coming M-W/F&S, we want you to rest and recover on Thursday.  However, we know that everyone has a laundry list of movements they want to improve upon, and today is the perfect opportunity.  Whether it is double unders, pull ups, muscle ups or some barbell movement, the coach can help you make improvements each week.  All you have to do is show up and tell the coach what you want to work on.  We encourage all of you to give Thursdays and Sundays a shot.  They are loads of fun.  Enjoy the day!
