05/17/17: Paleo or Macros?

With the upcoming nutrition challenge you will have the option to choose between a paleo/primal (clean eating) nutrition protocol and a macro-nutritiont based protocol.  You can check out the links below to start doing your research on which one you think will suit you best.

  1. The Paleo Diet – Robb Wolf
  2. The Primal Blueprint – Mark Sisson
  3. If It Fits Your Macros
  4. Flexible Dieting – This ia a book written by someone we know.  It is a good book and is helpful with learning to understand macros.  You don’t have to buy the book though to learn more.  You can search around the internet for “flexible dieting” and “Macros,” and you will learn quite a bit.

In general, the paleo/primal diet is more of a food quality choice, while the maros approach is more of a food quantity choice.  Making a choice as to whether you are better at avoiding certain foods, or weighing and measuring can help you decide which plan may work best for you  Start doing your homework and thinking about which plans sounds sustainable.

Today’s Workout:

  • Conditioning – AMRAP30
    • Run 400m
    • 30 Double Unders
    • 2 Rope Climbs (Sx = 2 Mod Climbs / CRx = 2 Legless)
  • Finisher – 3 Sets – 10 Curls + 20 Tricep Pull Downs + 1:00 Plank
Allison and Justin working on some push jerks.