11/29/16: Nutrition Challenge Starts Monday, 12/5!

CrossFit 908 Holiday Nutrition Challenge 2016 – CF908 challenges you to eat, sleep, hydrate and exercise well for 26 days (Dec 5 through Dec 30). The Holidays are here, and the New Year is nearly upon us. Let’s not give up all the progress we have made over the past year to the month of December, a time when Holiday parties, minimal daylight, and cold weather start to lower our inhibitions and motivation. Instead of going into January with the mindset of, “I’m going to turn this ship around,” wouldn’t it be nice to know that you are already on a good path and no dramatic, unsustainable changes are needed? We understand that a challenge during December is daunting, but we are going to set you all up for success. We will allow a certain amount of cheat meals and drinks during the week so you can plan ahead. We are calling this a “clean eating,” challenge which will look a lot like a paleo challenge. There will be no measuring or weighing. We are not choosing Macros this month, because the abundance of “bad foods” is out of control, and allowing yourself to eat cookies, brownies, ice cream, and egg nog, every day of every week is just not a good option for fueling your body to be a well oiled machine. Could you possibly lose weight eating that way? Sure, but you are likely missing out on a ton of nutrients that your body needs for recovery after working hard in the gym. Focusing on quality foods is the best way to reduce inflammation and reset your body.

Challengers will be partnered up in teams of two. You can select your partner (as long as it is not someone you live with) or you can email [email protected] to get paired up with another 908er. As a team you will report your daily points on the Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/crossfit908nutrition/) as well as your scorecard at home. Yes, we will all be able to see each other’s daily scores and help each other stay accountable. We know you like to be pushed, so we will push you. We are stronger together!
Weigh in and Partner Selection needs to happen prior to December 5.
How Does it Work?
Each challenger will get their own Spreadsheet Scorecard to record daily points in four areas: Nutrition, Hydration, Exercise and Sleep. You will score yourself between -3 and +3 in nutrition and either -1, 0, or 1 in the three other categories: Sleep, Hydration, & Exercise.
Daily scores must be self-reported by teams in the CF908 Nutrition Facebook group as well as your home spreadsheet. Erin will make a daily post saying “Post your points for Day __ here:”, please comment underneath that post your team daily score for that day. Completed spreadsheets must be emailed to [email protected] by end of day on Saturday, December 31st.
What is “New” for this Challenge?
Due to the crazy time of year and abundance of parties / gatherings etc. we will be using the 80/20 principle. If you can get through this challenge with 80% of your nutrition being clean, you’ll enter the new year without regret! Each team member is allowed 4 cheat meals per week, plus four alcoholic beverages per week which can be saved and used in bulk. For every cheat meal or drink not used, add +1 point to your nutrition point total for that week. That means, if you eat 100% clean for the week, and have no alcoholic beverages, you can earn an additional +8 points to your nutrition total for the week. Any cheat meal or alcoholic beverage above and beyond the allotted four per week will subtract 1 point from your nutrition total. Your allowed cheat meals count as a +1 during the day it is eaten.
Example 1:
It’s day one of the week, you use 3 of the 4 allotted cheat meals, you still get a +3 for the day. However you only have one more cheat meal for the week. You don’t use your 4th cheat meal, but you drink one alcoholic beverage that week. You get +21 nutrition plus a +1 nutrition bonus and a +3 alcohol bonus for a total of +25 nutrition points.
Example 2:
You ate clean the entire week and drank a total of 4 alcoholic beverages this week. You get +21 for clean eating plus another +4 for not using any cheat meals for a total of +25. You receive 0 extra points for using your all your allowed alcoholic beverages.
Example 3:
7 cheat meals and 7 alcoholic beverages in a week gives you +12 nutrition points for the week. (3 extra cheat meals & 3 extra beverages = -6 from the +18 nutrition points received that week)
As you can see from the examples, going beyond your allowed cheat meals/drinks has an increased negative effect on your totals.
What resources do I have?
Score Sheet: download in the file section in the 908 Nutrition FB Group
Food: Kettlebell Kitchen is a food service that cooks exclusively paleo meals. All KBK meals are approved for the challenge. Order from Kettlebellkitchen.com
Supplements: As our supplement partner, we approve the use of the Strengthlete Repair (POST-WOD) protein on workout days only. Challengers receive a 10% discount on the 2LB Bag of Repair. Please e-mail [email protected] with your order and flavor (chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla).
CF 908 Nutrition Challenge Facebook Group to exchange recipes, inspiration, Q&A
Are there Prizes?
Grand Prize – The winning team will receive 1 Free Month at CF908.
To join, email [email protected] by Sunday 12/4 your current weight and your teammate
How do I sign up?
Email [email protected] with your starting weight and your partner’s name.
If you do not have a partner, email Erin and we will find you a partner. Also, please sign up on the whiteboard at the gym.
Join the CF908 Nutrition Challenge Facebook Group to chat with fellow challengers and post your daily points.

Today’s Workout:

  • Conditioning – Every 5 minutes for 4 Rounds
    • 20 Toes To Bar (Sx = Straight Leg Raise OR 20 Weighted Sit Ups)
    • 15 Burpees Over The Bar
    • 10 Power Clean & Jerk (Sx = 95#/65# – Rx = 135#/95# – CRx = 165#/115#)
  • Finisher – 3 x 1:00 on / 1:00 off Weighted Plank
Sam working on his hang clean.
Sam working on his hang clean.