02/12/16: Did you sign up for the Open?

Hey Everyone, I hate to be a pest, but Ralph brought up a good point on the blog yesterday.  How do we only have 31 people signed up for the open?  In years past we have had up to 60+ athletes.  Quick recap on what the “Crossfit Open” is.  It is an online competition where you will complete five workouts over the course of five weeks, have your performance judged, submit scores online ,and see how you compare to over 100,000 Crossfitters all across the world.  I use this example all the time, but it just seems the most obvious one to use.  You don’t sign up for a marathon with the expectation of winning it, you sign up because you want to challenge yourself, set a goal for yourself, and give your fitness a benchmark so you can become fitter over the next year.  There is no failing in the open.  There is both an RX and Sx division along with age classes starting @ 40.  We host the workouts on Saturday mornings, and they are a blast.  Our amazing community comes together to support each other in 5 very challenging workouts.  I promise you that you will be proud of yourself for taking on the Open.  We hope you sign up today and register under CrossFit 908.  Sign up here.  Thanks!

Tim, Erin, Jake, Allen, and Jon (and Kevin and Pat wherever they are!)

Today’s Workout:

  • Strength – AMRAP10 – Farmers Carry
    • In teams of 3, complete 50ft Farmers Carry alternating every carry for 10 minutes.  Pick a challenging pair of dumbbells, bumper plates, or kettlebells.
  • Conditioning – “It takes two” – Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes complete the following
    • 10 Deadlifts (Sx = 115#/75# – Rx = 185#/125# – CRx = 245#/165# – I know some people have some massive deadlifts.  You can go heavier than 245# No more than 60% of 1RM)
    • 50 Double Unders (Sx = :45 of attempts)
  • Finisher – 50 burpees for time (compare to 1/26/16)
Awesome pic of Suzanne doing lateral box jumps!
Awesome pic of Suzanne doing lateral 24″ box jumps!

3 thoughts on “02/12/16: Did you sign up for the Open?”

  1. The community is my favorite part of CrossFit. I think I get more pumped up to see my friends hit PRs than when I do. Sign up for the Open! You’ll get lots of support during those 5 weeks. Don’t let the butterflies in your belly get in the way.

  2. It is far more rewarding to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all.
    Don’t regret not trying!