04/06/16: Intensity

Jake recently put a list on the mobile white board asking everybody what they thought were their biggest weaknesses.  I think we could all probably check off every movement, but something universal that is one of the tenants of CrossFit is intensity.  I don’t mean screaming, taking your shirt off, and throwing 300# over your head.  I mean, challenging yourself to go a little bit faster, lift a little bit heavier, hold on for a few more reps, learn a new skill, etc.  Many times I find that I am just coasting through workouts?  Sure I can stay in shape, but I’ll probably be pissed off when next year’s Open comes around and I did not get better at the things I said I would.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is a world of difference in walking a 5k and trying to run a 5k as hard as you can.  Granted, for some people walking a 5k would be a huge challenge, so let’s exclude that population just for this argument.  CrossFit’s potency is in your intensity. When we brief you on a workout, we give you an idea of what we are looking for.  If you don’t know what the intent of a workout is, ask the coach.  We’ll tell you to either go fast, lift a bit heavier, or try to pace it and keep moving.  Today is a move fast kind of day.  It doesn’t mean move like you are having a seizure,  it means you tell yourself to try to do something unbroken, or only take a short rest.  No pacing, just go.  We all need help with our intensity.  Find your motivation and get to work.

Today’s Workout:

  • 5 sets of 2 rounds.  Rest 2 min after each set – “Mt. Rushmore”
    • 8 Dumbell Snatch (Sx = 30#/20# – Rx = 50#/35# – CRx = 70#/50#)
    • 9 Box Jumps (Sx = 20″/18″ – Rx = 24″/20″)
    • 10 Toes To Bar
  • Finisher – Partner Alternating – 5 Rounds Each of 100ft Farmers Carry as heavy as possible.
Kristie smiling, Matt dying.
Kristie smiling, Matt dying.

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