12/10/12: Pause Front Squats…mmmmMMM

Thank you to everyone who came out on Saturday night for the 908 Holiday party.  Once again, it was a huge success and lasted until about 4am!  Nice work guys and gals, I knew you had it in you.  Some pretty good pictures floating around!

  • Mobility – Focus on Rack position.  Band Stretches / Barbell behind head front rack stretch
  • Skill / Strength – 5 x 1 Clean + 2 Pause Front Squats (3 second pause)
  • WOD – 3RFT
    • 10 Power Clean & Jerk (No more than 60% of your heaviest clean)
    • 10 Strict Pull Ups
  • Immediately following workout complete 30 Toes To Bar
PJ and Brian making sure nobody is going to beat them off the rower.

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