01/12/19: Saturday

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January 12, 2019
01/12/19: Saturday



January 12, 2019

Today's Workout:

  • Strength
    • Build to a Heavy 5 Rep Strict Press***DWI - 5x10 Landmine Presses (Each Arm)
  • Conditioning - "Terrible 2's"Partner WOD - Alternate Work as Desired
    • 200 Double Unders (sx - 2:1 Singles or 2 min. of Attempts-Same Time-)
    • 200 DB Snatches (sx - Scale as Needed rx - 50#|35#)
    • 200 Double Unders
  • Accessory3 Sets
    • :30 Front Plank
    • :30 Right Plank
    • :30 Left Plank
    • :30 Rest

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