12/30/21: Thursday

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December 30, 2021
12/30/21: Thursday



December 30, 2021

????????????6:15 (BH) &6:30 (WF) PM classes are CANCELLED this week????????????We will be running our 6-week January Nutrition Kickstart starting on January 10th. Now until Friday take advantage of the discounted rate of $99. Once January 1st hits, the price will increase. This nutrition kickstart will be using a new and improved platform that will focus on habits, have unlimited access to one of our certified nutrition coaches, weekly lessons to learn how to improve specific habits, and more. The New Year shouldn’t be about wasting money on juice cleanses, the hot new diet, and losing weight fast. So, let us help teach you how to build better nutrition habits that will leave you feeling good, motivated, and like yourself again. If you are ready, sign-up HERE.Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 10 Banded Pass Throughs
  • 15 Face Pulls
  • 30 Pull Aparts
  • 15 Rotations
  • 10 Sumo Inchworms
  • 10 Scap Pull Ups
  • 15 Ring Rows
  • 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
  • 15-20 Empty Barbell Bench Presses

StrengthEvery 1:30 for 10 Intervals (Alt. - 5 each)

  1. 8 DB Bench Press Complex (1 rep = 1 bench press + 1 squeeze press)
  2. 20 Gorilla Rows (Alt.)

Conditioning - "A Wise In-Chest-ment"For Time - 16 Time Cap

  • 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
  • 400 m Run (sx: 300 m)
  • 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
  • 20 Hand Release Push Ups
  • 400 m Run
  • 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
  • 20 Hand Release Push Ups
  • 30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (rx: 75#|55#)
  • 400 m Run

Accessory3 Sets

  • 30 Banded Tricep Extensions
  • 15 Dual DB Hammer Curls

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