01/21/22: Friday

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January 21, 2022
01/21/22: Friday



January 21, 2022

Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 25' Each
    • Inchworm
    • Backwards Robot Bear Crawl
    • Crab Walk
    • Lateral Robot Bear Crawl (R)
    • Lateral Robot Bear Crawl (L)
    • Burpee Broad Jump
  • :20 Jump Rope
  • 10 Single Arm Push Presses (Each)
  • :20 Hang
  • 10 Single Leg Hip Bridges (Each)
  • :20 Kip
  • 10 V Ups
  • :20 Bottom of the Squat Hold (1 DB Front Rack - Each)
  • :20 Jump Rope
  • 5 Single Arm Thrusters (Each)
  • 5 Toes to Bar

Conditioning - "CF Open 20.2"AMRAP 20

  • 4 DB Thrsuters (50#|35#)
  • 6 Toes to Bar
  • 24 Double Unders

Accessory4 Sets

  • 12 Single Arm Row (Each arm)
  • 10 Lying Pull Overs (DB|KB)
  • 1 min. Rest

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