Committed Club - June 2024

Attend 20+ visits in June, and you officially committed
June 4, 2024
Committed Club - June 2024



June 4, 2024

With summer nearly here and school almost over, schedules can get hectic and unpredictable. We are here to help you COMMIT to a regular workout schedule!

For the month of June, we will be running an attendance challenge called “The Committed Club.” It’s as simple as showing up. During the month of June, any 908er who attends more than 20 days in the month will get their name on the whiteboard, Instagram, and be entered into a raffle to win a gift card to a local business.

We wish you a successful month of workouts and look forward to a little friendly competition. Which 908 Athletics class will have the most 20+ attendees?!

Apparel Sale for the first week of Committed Club!

Saturday, June 1 through Friday, June 7 - 20% off all apparel (including lululemon!)

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