12/10/21: Friday

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December 10, 2021
12/10/21: Friday



December 10, 2021

Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • :30 Jump Rope
  • 10 Halting Glute Bridges
  • 10 Wrist Circles
  • 10 Ankle Circles
  • 8 PVC Pass Throughs
  • 8 PVC Snatch Deadlifts
  • 8 PVC Hang Power Snatches
  • 8 PVC Power Snatches
  • :30 Jump Rope (High Singles)
  • 15 Scap Pull Ups
  • 10 Lying Knee Tuck to Reach Out
  • 15 Kip Swings
  • 10 Hanging Knee Raises
  • :30 Jump Rope (Double Under/Attempts)
  • 10 Barbell Power Snatches
  • 5 Toes to Bar (sx: Knee Raises)

Conditioning -"Toe-gether at Last"

  • AMRAP 21 - Partner WOD
    • 12 Power Snatches (Alt. as desired)
    • 21 Double Unders (Each - working at the same time)
    • 16 Toes to Bar (Alt. as desired)
    • 21 Double Unders (Each - working at the same time)
  • 10 min, (min. 21-31)
    • Establish a 1 RM Snatch (Any style - total both partners max lifts)


  • 50 Partner Plank Claps
  • 30 Synchro Two-Breath Side Planks (Alt.)
  • 50 Partner Plank Claps

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