10/05/21: Tuesday

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October 5, 2021
10/05/21: Tuesday



October 5, 2021

Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 10 Infant Squats + T Spine Opener
  • 10 PVC Pass Throughs
  • 10 Staggered Stance Good Mornings (Each side)
  • 10 Halting Snatch Deadlift (PVC - pause at the knee)
  • 10 High Hang Muscle Snatch
  • 10 Power Snatch Balance***w/ Barbell***
  • 5-7 Halting Snatch Deadlift
  • 5-7 High Hang Power Snatch
  • 5-7 Hang Power Snatch
  • 5-7 Power Snatch

StrengthEMOM 10

  • 2 Power Snatches (Building as form allows)

Conditioning - "Draggin' Ball-Zzzz"Every 4 min. for 4 Sets

  • 18 Wall Balls
  • 15 Power Snatches (rx: 75#|55#)
  • 12 Wall Balls***Rest in the remaining time***


  • 400 m Single Arm Overhead Carry (Alt arms as desired - don't put the weight down)

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