02/03/21: Wednesday

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February 3, 2021
02/03/21: Wednesday



February 3, 2021

Today's Workout

  • Warm Up
    • 12 Groiners w/ T Spine Opener
    • 12 Infant Squats
    • :30 Bike|Ski|Row
    • 12 Squat Thrusts
    • 12 Step Ups
    • 12 Tempo Air Squats
    • :30 Bike|Ski|Row
    • 12 Burpees
    • 12 Box Jumps
    • 12 Shoulder to Shoulder Medball Thrusters
    • 6 Burpee Box Jumps
  • Conditioning - "Lay Miserables"Every 2 min. for 10 Rounds - Alternate between:
      1. 12|10 Cal Bike|Row|Ski
      2. 12 Wall Balls***Max Burpee Box Jumps in the time remaining each 2 min. interval***
  • Accessory4 Sets
    • 1:30 Single Arm Front Rack March (Alternate arms at :45)
    • :30 Rest


  • Lifts
    • Every 2 min. - Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean
      • 50% - 1 + 2
      • 55% - 1 + 2
      • 60% - 1 + 2
      • 65% - 1 + 2
      • 70% - 1 + 2(3)
    • 20 min. - Snatch Deadlift + Snatch
      • 50% - 1 + 3
      • 60% - 1 + 3
      • 65% - 1 + 3
      • 70% - 1 + 3(3)
  • Accessory
    • Snatch Press from Bottom: Barbell - 10(3)
    • 3 x :30 Weighted Plank Hold

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