12/07/21: Tuesday

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December 7, 2021
12/07/21: Tuesday



December 7, 2021

Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 3 Sets - :20 On|:10 Off
    • Hollow Hold
    • Superman
  • :20 Dead Hang
  • 20 Step Ups
  • 15 Scap Pull Ups
  • 15 Tuck Jumps
  • 10 Hand Release Push Ups + Shoulder Taps
  • 10-15 Kip Swings
  • 5 Box Jump Overs
  • 5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
  • :10 Ring Support Hold (Top)
  • :10 Ring Support Hold (Bottom)

StrengthEvery :30 for 12 Sets

  • 3-5 Strict Dips (crx: 1-3 Ring Muscle Ups)

Conditioning - "The Fine-I'll Count Down"Every 2 min. 7 Rounds - 1:30 Work Time Cap

  • 7 Box Jump Overs
  • 6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
  • 5 Box Jump Overs
  • 4 CTB Pull Ups
  • 3 Box Jump Overs
  • 2 CTB Pull Ups***Rest the remaining time***(sx: 3-2-1 CTB or 6-4-2 Jumping CTB)

Accessory3 Sets (Each Arm) - :30 On|:15 Off

  • Single Arm Banded Tricep Extensions

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