02/08/19: Friday

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February 8, 2019
02/08/19: Friday



February 8, 2019

Today's Workout:

  • Strength5 Sets
    • 3 Push Jerks (From the Rack - Build to a Challenging 3 Rep)
  • Conditioning - "Friendly Fran"21-15-9
    • Pull Ups (sx - Jumping Pull Ups crx - CTB)
    • Shoulder to Overhead (sx - 75#|55# rx - 95#|65# crx - 145#|105#)
  • AccessoryAMRAP 10 - For Quality
    • 5 Inchworms
    • 10 Shoulder Taps (Each Side)
    • :15 Side Plank (Each Side)

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