Today's WorkoutWarm Up
- 10 Banded Pass Throughs
- 20 Face Pulls
- 30 Pulls Aparts
- :30 Hollow Holds
- 10 Staggered Good Mornings (Each)
- 15 Tempo Ring Rows
- 3 Sets
- 5 Single Arm KB Deadlifts (Each)
- :20 Hang(2-Scap Pull Up|3-Active Hang)
Strength5 Sets
- in 2 min. - 10-15 Unbroken Strict Pull Ups (Band as needed)
- in 2 min. - 10 Double DB|KB Deadlift + 35' Farmers Carry + 5 Deadlifts + 35' Farmers Carry
Conditioning - "Christmas in Ju-Thigh"AMRAP 15 - Teams of 3-4
- 35' Sled Push***score = weight added to the sled x total number of 35' intervals completed as a team***
Accessory4 Sets
- 8 DB Hammer Curl Complex(hammer curl both dbs to an isometric hold: 1 rep = R + L + Both)***Opposite arm stays in isometric hold***