08/21/20: Friday

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August 21, 2020
08/21/20: Friday



August 21, 2020

Now hosting outdoor group classes and private training, as well as live virtual group classes.Today's classes:Zoom WOD- 7 AM & 12 PM Outdoor WOD - 5 (BH Only), 6 & 9 AM & 6 PM-BH @ Back Lot --WF @ Parking Lot - ⭐MUST reserve in ZP⭐*******BH Click HERE to reserve and join classes!****************WF Click HERE to reserve and join classes!*********Today's Workout

  • Warm Up
    • 15 Press Ups
    • 12 Groiner w/ T-Spine Rotation
    • 9 Sumo Inchworms
    • 3 x :20 On|:10 Off - Bottom of the Squat Hold
    • 2 x :20 On|:10 Off - Squat Thrusts
    • 1 x :20 On|:10 Off - Air Squats
  • Conditioning - "Jamiro-quads" - Last done 3/24/20For Time:20 On|:10 Off - Until Reps are Completed
    • 300 Air Squats (sx: 200 Air Squats - Sub: Lunges|Step Ups|Toe Taps)***Perform 2-3 Burpees at the start of each interval (Sub: Squat Thrusts|1 Inchworm|8 Mt. Climbers)
  • Accessory5 Sets
    • 12 Tempo Bicep Curls (BB or 2 DBs)

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