09/25/20: Friday

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September 25, 2020
09/25/20: Friday



September 25, 2020

Today's classes:Zoom WOD - 12 PMLive Stream - 7 AM & 4:30 PMIn/Outdoor WOD - 5, 6, 7 & 9 AM & 4:15, 5:15 PM ????MUST reserve in ZP - HERE????Open Gym - 8-9 AM (12 Spots) ????MUST reserve in ZP - HERE????Today's Workout

  • Warm Up
    • 50 Jumping Jacks
    • 20 Glute Bridges
    • 10 Step Ups
    • :30 Plank (F/R/L)
    • 10 Cossack Squats
    • 15 V Ups
    • 10 Box Jump Overs
    • :30 Shoulder Taps
  • Conditioning - "Core-d of the Flies" Indoor10 Rounds For Total Reps - :30 On|:30 Off1) Max Box Jump Overs (Sub: Jump Overs|Broad Jumps|Step Ups)2) Max Toes to Bar (Sub: Knee Raises|V Ups|Lemon Squeeze|Str. Leg Sit Up)3) Max DB Pull Throughs (Sub: Shoulder Taps|Push Up Plank|Forearm Plank)Outdoor10 Rounds For Total Reps - :30 On|:30 Off1) Max Box Jump Overs2) Max V Ups3) Max DB Pull Throughs
  • Accessory
    • 400 m Mixed Grip Carry (One arm front rack + one arm Suitcase)

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