10/01/20: Thursday

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October 1, 2020
10/01/20: Thursday



October 1, 2020

Today's classes:Zoom WOD - 12 PMLive Stream - 7 AM & 4:30 PMIn/Outdoor WOD - 5, 6, 7 & 9 AM & 4:15, 5:15, 6:15 PM ????MUST reserve in ZP - HERE????Today's Workout

  • Warm Up
    • :30 Active Hang/Hollow Hold
    • 10 Infant Squats
    • 10 Straight Leg Sit Ups
    • 10 Presses
    • 10 Cossack Squats
    • 10 Hanging Knee Raises/V Ups
    • 10 Push Presses
    • 10 Jump Squats
    • 10 Thrusters
  • Conditioning - "Secs and Candy" Indoor10 Rounds For Total Reps - :30 On|:30 OffToes to BarDB Thrusters (rx: 40#|25#)Outdoor10 Rounds For Total Reps - :30 On|:30 OffV UpsDB Thrusters (rx: 40#|25#)
  • Accessory4 Sets
    • 12 Skull Crushers

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