10/29/21: Friday

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October 29, 2021
10/29/21: Friday



October 29, 2021

Best costume in each class on Sunday, Oct 31 will win a prize!!Costume must be worn for the duration of the workout!Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 200 m Jog
  • :30 Hollow Hold
  • 10 Push Up + Down Dog
  • 3 Sets
    • 5 Banded Pass Throughs
    • 10 Banded Pull Aparts
  • 200 m Jog
  • 5 Wall Walks
  • 10 Lunges
  • :15 Ring Support Hold (Top)
  • :15 Ring Support Hold (Bottom)
  • 10 Goblet Lunges
  • :30 Handstand Hold
  • 5 Strict Dips

Conditioning - "The Battle of Winded Knee"AMRAP 28 - Partner WOD

  • 50 Handstand Push Ups (Alt. as desired)
  • 200 m Run (Together)
  • 40 Ring Dips (Alt. as desired)
  • 200 m Run (Together)
  • 30 Goblet Lunges (Each - Working at the same time)
  • 200 m Run (Together)

Accessory8 Sets - :20 On|:10 Off

  • Alternating DB Curls (Farmers Hold during rest)

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