11/14/21: Sunday

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November 14, 2021
11/14/21: Sunday



November 14, 2021

Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 400 m Jog
  • 3 Sets
    • 5 Infant Squats
    • 10 Ring Rows
    • :15 Scap Pull Ups
  • 2 Sets
    • 3 Sandbag Over Shoulder
    • 1 Rope Climb

Conditioning - "Sunny and Share"AMRAP 30 - Teams of 4 - Working in Pairs

  • Pacer: 400 m Run (2 people running together)
  • Work: (2 people working - alt. as desired)
    • 12 Sandbag Over the Shoulder
    • 4 Rope Climbs

Accessory3 Sets

  • :30 Hollow Hold
  • 30 Partner Plank Claps
  • 1 min. Rest

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