11/29/21: Monday

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November 29, 2021
11/29/21: Monday



November 29, 2021

Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 5 Inchworm + Press Up
  • 10 Groiners w/ T Spine Opener
  • 1 min. Row|Ski|Bike
  • 10 PVC Pass Throughs
  • 5 PVC Snatch Deadlifts
  • 5 PVC Hang Power Snatches
  • 10 PVC Power Snatches
  • 15 Scap Pull Ups
  • 10 Ring Rows
  • 1 min. Row|Ski|Bike
  • 15 Kip Swings
  • 10 Power Snatches
  • 5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups or 2-3 Bar Muscle Ups


  • "Cal Bundy"EMOM 10
    • 12|9 Cal Row|Ski|Bike (crx: 15|12 Cal) - :45 Work Cap
    • 6 Touch-and-Go Power Snatches (sx: 45#|35# rx: 95#+|65#+ crx: 135#+|95#+)
  • Rest 2 min.
  • "Cal Pacino"EMOM 10
    • 12|9 Cal Row|Ski|Bike (crx: 15|12 Cal) - :45 Work Cap
    • 9-12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups or 4-6 Bar Muscle Ups (sx: Jumping CTB)
  • Rest 2 min. - then start accessory

Accessory5 Sets

  • 5 Tempo Overhead Squats (slow controlled negative every rep)

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