12/01/21: Wednesday

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December 1, 2021
12/01/21: Wednesday



December 1, 2021

The 908 Holiday party is less than a week away! We're so excited to be able to host a party this year! We have a DJ and a bartender, so put on your dancing shoes and get your Ubers lined up! ????????????The party will start @ 8pm at our Berkeley Heights location. We ask that you bring a food or beverage item of your choosing.Both gyms will be closed on Sunday, 12/5 in observance of National Staff Hangover Day, plus we'll need all the cleaning help we can get. We truly hope that you will all join us for a night full of fun and friends. Dress to impress!Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 50 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Sumo Inchworms
  • 10 Standing Knee Pulls
  • 10 Standing Quad Pulls
  • 10 Deadlifts
  • 15-20 Front Rack Elbow Rotations
  • 10 High Hang Power Cleans
  • 10 Hang Power Cleans
  • 200 m Jog

Conditioning -"Hang-ibal Leg-ter" - Last done 6/6/21Every 3 min. for 10 Rounds - 2 min. Work Cap

  • 200 m Run (250|200m Row)
  • 6 Hang Power Cleans (s: 75#|55# rx: 135#|95# crx: 185#+|125#+)

Accessory8 Sets - :15 On|:15 Off

  • Landmine Russian Twists


  • Lifts
    • EMOM 6: Clean Pull:
      • 50-60% - 2(2)
      • 70-80% - 2(2)
      • 80-90% - 2(2)
    • Clean + Jerk:
      • 50% - 2 + 2
      • 60% - 2 + 2
      • 70% - 2 + 2
      • 75+% - 1 + 1(6)
  • Accessory
    • Double DB Bent Over Row:
      • 20-50# - 10(3)
    • Weighted Glute Bridges:
      • 25-50# - 10(3)

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