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December 10, 2020
Today's Workout
Warm Up
2 min. Row|Bike|Ski
3 Sets
15 Jumping Jacks
10 Squat Thrusts
5 Hang Power Cleans
Conditioning - "The Dirty Dozen" Indoor12 Rounds For Time8 Burpees Over the Bar (Facing if space/desired)4 Power Cleans(sx: 95#|65# rx: 135#|95# crx: 185#+|125#+)***Starting and Every 4 min.***24|20 Cal Row|Ski - 18|12 Cal Bike (2 min. Time Cap)Outdoor12 Rounds For Time8 Burpees Over the Bar (Facing if space/desired)4 DB Power Cleans***Starting and Every 4 min.***24|20 Cal Row|Ski - 18|12 Cal Bike (2 min. Time Cap)
Accessory5 Sets
10 Tempo Cossack Squats (Weighted if desired/able - crx: 10 Tempo Pistols)