Now hosting outdoor group classes and private training, as well as live virtual group classes.Today's classes:Outdoor WOD - 8 & 9 AM-BH @ Back Lot --WF @ Parking Lot - ⭐MUST reserve in ZP⭐*******BH Click HERE to reserve and join classes!****************WF Click HERE to reserve and join classes!*********Today's Workout
- Warm Up3 Sets
- 10 Bird Dog
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 10 Deadbugs
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Straight Leg Sit Ups
- Conditioning - "Hamstring Core-tet"10 Rounds For Total Reps:30 On|:30 Off
- Hollow Hold (:01 = 1 Rep - Sub: Shoulder Taps|Push Up Plank|Forearm Plank)
- Jumping Lunges (Sub: Reverse/Forward Lunges|Air Squats|Step Ups|Chair Squats|Hurdle Steps)
- Sit Ups (Sub: Bicycle Crunches|Plank)
- Accessory5 Sets
- 10 Tempo Cossack Squats (5 Each)***crx: 10 Tempo Pistols